Hell. . . ALL sentences are ambiguous! - not really, no.
Um, yes.
Ask anyone who does NLP.
when any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Hell. . . ALL sentences are ambiguous! - not really, no.
Um, yes.
Ask anyone who does NLP.
when any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Not to beat a dead horse, but I will
If Trump had been caught saying 'I think white people are superior to black people', that would be an unambiguously racist statement. If Trump is or was a member of the KKK, then that would be unambiguous, too.
Again, going by the OED definition, none of this matters. Even if Trump said "I think white people are superior to black people" I have no way of accessing his beliefs. Maybe he doesn't actually believe that white are superior to blacks. Maybe he's just saying it to stir the pot and irk his enemies.
when any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Yes, the oxford english dictionary defines racism in terms of belief: the prejudice and discrimination must be based on belief. You must have the belief that members of a race etc etc. If you discriminate against someone without the belief that your race is superior, that is not racism. If you believe that all members of a race possess characteristics etc. that don't distinguish it as superior or inferior, that is not racism.
Question: How exactly do I exactly access someones beliefs to determine whether or not they embrace racist ideals?
So sentences like "go back to where you came from" are ambiguous. We need to use context.
However, context shouldn't matter either! Because if we don't have direct access to others beliefs, and we use OED as our guide, we really can't say anything about anyone being racist.
when any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Telling people to go back to where they came is definitely said by actual racist people, but the sentence 'why don't you go back to where you came from ...' is ambiguous.
Well, hell. . . ALL sentences are ambiguous!
The only way you can kind of disambiguate a sentence is by context. Even then, there is always some sort of ambiguity present in language. It's not a freaking code.
If I go out into the yard and tell my grandkids "Hey, why don't you all go eat some watermelon" and they go and eat some watermelon, that is certainly not racist.
If I were to use that sentence in other contexts, well. . . . .
SO yeah, it's a fact that sentences are ambiguous and we use context to disambiguate.
I am saying that in context, TO ME, not the media, not the democrats/liberals whatever, Trump's statement comes off as racially charged and motivated.
when any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
The correct analogy would be: you and these 4 women get into a major war of words, one of the 4 women, a new recruit, says she's gonna have your ass fired or arrested and calls you MF.
Then you say, hey why don't these four go back where they came from and fix stuff, etc.
I would absolutely still be suspended or fired for saying that.
I also think that if I were to say that to the four workmates -- even people I don't like and who don't like me -- there's no doubt that it would be coming from a racially motivated place.
That's why I would't ever say anything like that.
when any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
If someone went up to some random person of colour on the street and said 'get back to where you came from!', well, that's obviously very different.
So if I go out and find 4 women who have the same exact background as these four congresswomen (women of color) walking on the street and say "Hey, go back to where you came from" <== that is racist/racially charged language/behavior.
However in the correct context (I am having some sort of row with them) it's not racist.
So how about this:
I work with 4 women who have the same exact background as these four congresswomen (women of color) at a major telecommunications company. I get into a major fight about some company policy or procedure. One of the women even calls me a mf-er in front of everyone at work.
I then get up and say: "Why don't these women go back and help fix the totally broken telecommunications system in the placed from which they came?" <== Would saying this be racist? Because if I had ever said anything like this at work, at the very least I would have been suspended, if not fired.
when any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Do I think Trump should modulate his future speech? Yes, that would be good
I swear: if Trump stopped tweeting today, his approval rating would go up 10 points.
when any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Whelp, here's the thing: I do think the media is biased against Trump, so I don't care what they think. These are the people who think Biden's comment about Obama being "clean" is a gaffe and not racially charged language.
But I still think Trumps tweets -- the Tweets I read with my own two eyes on twitter -- about the 4 women clearly express a strong nationalistic sentiment (I think it would be difficult to refute that) and are at the very least racially charged.
Do I think that I am 100% correct on this and that I know everything? No.
Is this how I see it? Yes.
when any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
@LoveUni -- yeah, I understand that. There is a HUGE media bias against Trump -- Trump gets called out for racist or let's say "racially charged" language -- while Biden commits harmless racial "gaffes" <== this is certainly a double standard.
That being said, just because the media protects Biden and throws the Trump under the bus doesn't mean Trump's language wasn't racially charged or whatever you want to call it.
As far as unbiased media: I follow Trumps twitter feed. That is my main source of information about Trump. Tells me everything I have to know.
when any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
The question isn't how do we disabuse liberals/democrats/whatever of the idea that Trump is racist. . . .
How do we convince white nationalists he isn't?
Any ideas? How would I go about convincing any of these folks he's not really racist?